Plan your Visit at Pentridge
Pentridge is open everyday except Good Friday and Christmas Day.
At Pentridge, there is ample car parking available located under the Pentridge Shopping Centre.
Please see our Directory for opening hours and contact details of retailers and tenants at Pentridge.
Getting Here
Finding your way to Pentridge is easy!
The best landmark to look out for is the Pentridge Clock Tower, which is just off Sydney Road.
There are different entrances to Pentridge, depending on the kind of transport you take.
Located less than 10kms from Melbourne CBD, Pentridge is easily accessible via all kinds of transport. With parking available for cars and bikes, find out which entrance is best suited for you.
Car and Motorbike
Entering Pentridge

Pentridge car parks are complimentary for the first three hours. There’s over 450 spaces of safe, secure and undercover parking, that’s all accessible.
The car park is a ticketless parking system, which means you can drive past the boom gate entry and the ticketless system will automatically read your car registration plate to work out how long your vehicle stays.
When leaving Pentridge, please type your registration plate number into the car parking pay station to determine the payment amount. The first three hours are free with an hourly charge thereafter.
If you exit the centre and want to return on the same day, there must be at least one hour between your exit and re-entry in order to receive another three hours free parking.
Parking fees will be charged in accordance with the schedule or fees displayed in the car park. If you bring your vehicle into the Pentridge car park you agree to pay the parking fee as set by us from time to time.
Whilst in the car park, we ask that you comply with all signs, directions and requests made by us.
Car Parking Rates
Hourly Rates:
Other Rates:
Services and Amenities
Toilets and Accessible Toilets
In the Pentridge Shopping Centre, toilets are located on the Ground Floor via the corridor next to the Ritchies IGA Supermarket and on the First Floor (accessible via the escalator or the lift which is immediately to the right of the escalator).
Parents Room
At Pentridge, we have a fully equipped Parents Room with private feeding areas and changing amenities, microwave and sink.
The Parents Room also has adult and child-size toilets. The Parents Room is located on the Ground Floor of the Shopping Centre, accessible via the corridor next to the Ritchies IGA Supermarket.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
At Pentridge, we have three electric vehicle charging stations located on Basement Level B1 of the car park.
Centre Management Office
The Centre Management Office is located in the Administration Building. The Centre Manager can be contacted at